Upcoming Population Europe Events Calls for Papers Event Series Tuesday Dialogues / Dienstagsdialoge Upcoming Events / Nächste Termine Berlin Demography Days / Berliner Demografie-Tage Advisory Board / Beirat Archive of Former Berlin Demography Days FutuRes Policy Lab March 2024: Population policymakers meet for dialogue across borders November 2023: High-Level Policy Expert Workshop June 2023 Public Dialogue: Work Better to Work Longer? European Day of Demography European Day of Demography 2023 Past Population Europe Events Event Reviews Recordings of Past Events October 2024: Towards a New Equality of Place: Leveraging Geospatial Data for Policy Impact 5 November 2024: Falling birth rates: 5 policy options that help families October 2024: Tuesday Dialogue - Re-thinking family generations: diverse life courses and how they relate to social inequality Events Filter by topic AllAgeing and Life ExpectancyEnvironmentFamily and ChildrenHealthMigration and IntegrationProjections and ForecastsSociety and SolidarityWorking Life Order by Date Mapineq Link Webinar Series - Visualising Inequalities at the Local Level 09 December - 11 December This three-part lunchtime event is happening from 9 to 11 December, 13:00 to 14:00 CET. Science-for-Policy Dialogue: Resilient Health Systems for an Ageing EU population 10 December The event organised by the Joint Research Center is a workshop among scientific experts and policymakers to discuss the impact of ageing on EU health systems and long-term care. Beyond Uncertainty: Exploring Migration Futures 18 December This event is the book launch of “From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios,” edited by Jakub Bijak. "In Touch with Tomorrow" 01 January - 30 June "In Touch with Tomorrow" is the new series by the FutuRes Policy Lab. The next talks will be announced in the new year! Tuesday Dialogue - To care or work or both? Opportunities and conflicts in family care arrangements 14 January with Dr. Ulrike Ehrlich and Sonja Nowossadeck, Scientists at the German Center of Gerontology, Berlin Tuesday Dialogues / Dienstagsdialoge The Future of Our Living Together
Mapineq Link Webinar Series - Visualising Inequalities at the Local Level 09 December - 11 December This three-part lunchtime event is happening from 9 to 11 December, 13:00 to 14:00 CET.
Science-for-Policy Dialogue: Resilient Health Systems for an Ageing EU population 10 December The event organised by the Joint Research Center is a workshop among scientific experts and policymakers to discuss the impact of ageing on EU health systems and long-term care.
Beyond Uncertainty: Exploring Migration Futures 18 December This event is the book launch of “From Uncertainty to Policy: A Guide to Migration Scenarios,” edited by Jakub Bijak.
"In Touch with Tomorrow" 01 January - 30 June "In Touch with Tomorrow" is the new series by the FutuRes Policy Lab. The next talks will be announced in the new year!
Tuesday Dialogue - To care or work or both? Opportunities and conflicts in family care arrangements 14 January with Dr. Ulrike Ehrlich and Sonja Nowossadeck, Scientists at the German Center of Gerontology, Berlin