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Introducing longitudinal population studies: The ONS Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2

Introducing longitudinal population studies: The ONS Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2

Discover more about the longitudinal data available in the ONS Longitudinal Study & Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (Cohort 2)

About the webinar series

In 2020, CLOSER welcomed 11 new longitudinal studies to their consortium, broadening the range of biomedical and social science disciplines represented within the group. But how can researchers make the most of longitudinal population studies and the data they collect?

This webinar series aims to showcase a number of longitudinal population studies to researchers who may be otherwise unfamiliar with the study data, what it can offer, and data access arrangements. The series is designed to introduce researchers to new studies that could be of use to them in their longitudinal research and investigations.

Over the coming months, CLOSER will host a series of hour-long webinars giving participants the opportunity to learn about two different studies. Each study presentation will cover:

  • An overview of the study
  • What data has been collected
  • How to access the data
  • Research case studies
  • Q&A

The ONS Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2

Thursday 10 November 2022, 13:00-14:00 BST
Speakers include: Oliver Duke-Williams (UCL) & Rebecca Jathoonia (ONS), and Anna Scholes & Michael Dale (Department for Education)

The next webinar in this series will showcase the ONS Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2.

Oliver Duke-Williams & Rebecca Jathoonia will introduce the ONS Longitudinal Study which contains linked census and life events data for 1% of the population of England and Wales. The study has records on over 500,000 people usually resident in either England or Wales at each point in time and is largely representative of the whole population.

Anna Scholes & Michael Dale will explore the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England: Cohort 2 (LSYPE2). Established in 2013 and managed by the Department for Education, LSYPE2 is a major study of young people that builds on the first LSYPE, now known as Next Steps. The study covers a wide range of topics including educational experiences, health and risky behaviours, relationships, future plans, employment and more.


Registration and accessing the webinar

Each webinar will be delivered via MS Teams. Instructions for how to access the webinar will be sent to all registered guests prior to each session.

Book your place via the Eventbrite page


Further information

If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact CLOSER Digital Communications and Events Manager, Jennie Blows (