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Queer Migration in the GLobal South

Queer Migration in the Global South

In this seminar, Fernanda Fortes will talk about the internal migration of sexual minorities in the Brazilian context.

In this seminar, Fernanda Fortes will talk about the internal migration of sexual minorities in the Brazilian context.

She breaks down this aim into three research questions: 1) What are the gaps in migration of sexual minorities in demographic studies? 2) How internal migration flows of gay men and lesbians are different to heterosexual men and women in Brazil? 3) How do family relations affect the trajectory of sexual minority migrants, non-migrants and returned migrants in small towns?

The combined results of these studies show that internal migration of sexual minorities is still understudied in the field of demographic research and that there are differences in migration patterns between the Global North and South with the latter having family as one of the main focal points of migratory decision-making.

