News from the Network Partners Experts Collaborations Honorary Members In Memoriam Related Content Policy Insights - Crisis resilient governance: How our institutions can help European societies thrive in any future Pop Digest - Healthy Immigrants, Unhealthy Ageing? Pop Digest - Unmet care needs among older people in Europe Books and Reports - Physically Constructed and Socially Shaped: Socio-Material Environment and Walking for Transportation in Later Life Books and Reports - Positive Ageing and Learning from Centenarians Pop Digest - Smoke in any direction Karl Ulrich Mayer Prof.em. Dr. Dres. h.c. Image Source: Yale University Institution: Max Planck Institute for Human Development Street: Lentzeallee 94 City: Berlin Country: Germany E-Mail: Current Position: Director Emeritus Main research fields: Ageing and Life Expectancy Working Life Country focus: Germany