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New Publication by MPIDR's Pekka Martikainen in BMJ's Christmas Issue

Heavy metal toxicity and mortality

Heavy metal toxicity and mortality—association between density of heavy metal bands and cause specific hospital admissions and mortality: population based cohort study


Pekka Martikainen, Kaarina Korhonen and Lasse Tarkiainen publish a new article on heavy metal toxicity and mortality in BMJ's Christmas Issue.

They sought to assess the association between area-level density of heavy metal bands and cause-specific hospital admissions and mortality. Using Longitudinal register-based data from 311 municipalities in Finland, they find no evidence for adverse health outcomes with increasing density of heavy metal bands. Cities with a high density of heavy metal bands showed slightly lower rates of mortality and of hospital admissions for alcohol-related problems and self-harm. Although residual confounding remains a problem in observational studies, vibrant local heavy metal scenes—comparable to many other forms of cultural capital—might help to promote health through healthier lifestyles, better coping mechanisms, and a stronger sense of community.

Read the article now here.