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Labour Market Integration: Refugees and Asylum Seekers Face Ongoing Integration Challenges

Over the past few decades, we have seen a striking increase in immigration. The UNHCR defines refugees as individuals who, due to conflict or persecution, are forced to flee their country of origin and are unable to return there because of serious threats to life, physical integrity or freedom
Lives report cover

By Shagini Udayar, Laurence Fedrigo, Federico Durante, Eva Clot-Siegrist and Jonas Masdonati

Over the past few decades, we have seen a striking increase in immigration. The UNHCR defines refugees as individuals who, due to conflict or persecution, are forced to flee their country of origin and are unable to return there because of serious threats to life, physical integrity or freedom (UNHCR, 2011). They live in the host country, are protected under international law and may not be expelled. Unlike refugees, asylum seekers are people seeking sanctuary in another country, but whose claims regarding threats to safety have not yet been substantiated. They live in the host country and await refugee status.