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What has been the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigrants? An update on recent evidence

This policy brief provides new evidence on the impact of the pandemic on immigrant integration in terms of health, labour market outcomes and training, as OECD countries start to recover from the crisis.
What has been the impact of the  COVID-19 pandemic on immigrants?  An update on recent evidence

While the COVID‑19 crisis had a disproportionate impact on immigrants during the first months of the pandemic, the longer run effects are more mixed. Employment rates of foreign-born people are up, back to or near pre-crisis levels for most countries. However, long-standing weaknesses in access to training remain, and immigrants are still more likely than the native-born to catch the disease, to develop severe symptoms, and to face higher mortality risks. Following a first OECD policy brief published after the first wave (OECD, 2020), this policy brief provides new evidence on the impact of the pandemic on immigrant integration in terms of health, labour market outcomes and training, as OECD countries start to recover from the crisis.