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Policy Insights

Barker E. R. and Bijak J (2021) Uncertainty in Migration Scenarios. QuantMig Project Deliverable D9.2. Southampton: University of Southampton. Available via:

Policy Brief

Bijak, J., Fähnrich, B., Leboeuf, L. and Vono de Vilhena, D. (2021). Strengthening evidence informed policymaking on migration. Population and Policy Brief 32, Berlin: Max Planck Society/Population Europe.

Vanhuysse, P., Medgyesi, M. and Gál, R. (2021). Welfare states as lifecycle redistribution machines: Age is more important than status in how social policies operate. Population and Policy Brief 31, Berlin: Max Planck Society/Population Europe.

Lines, E. (2021). Life After the Pandemic: Lessons from 2020 Population and Policy Brief 30, Berlin: Max Planck Society/Population Europe.

Lines, E. (2021). Das Leben nach der Pandemie: Erfahrungen aus dem Jahr 2020 Population and Policy Brief 30, Berlin: Max Planck Society/Population Europe.

Vono de Vihena, D. & Bijak, J. (2021). Uncertainty in Future Migration Flows: Where Does It Come From? Population and Policy Brief 29, Berlin: Max Planck Society/Population Europe.

Pop Digest

Potarca, G. (2021). Online Dating Is Shifting Educational Inequalities in Marriage Formation in Germany. Demography.

Chimienti, M., Guichard, E., Bolzman, C. et al. (2021). How can we categorise ‘nationality’ and ‘second generation’ in surveys without (re)producing stigmatisation?. CMS 9, 29. 

Bergmann, M. and Wagner, M. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on Informal Caregiving and Care Receiving Across Europe During the First Phase of the Pandemic. Front. Public Health.

Discussion Paper

Lines, E. (2021). Post-Pandemic Populations: Die soziodemografischen Folgen  der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland Discussion Paper No. 13, Berlin: Max Planck Society/Population Europe.

Edel, A., Kübler, L., Lines, E., Nanz, P., Patzwaldt, K., Speiser, G., Stasiak, D. & Weißkopf, M. (2021). Crossing Borders: How public should science be? Discussion Paper No. 12, Berlin: Max Planck Society/Population Europe.