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Population Europe Inter-Faces: Gunnar Andersson

An interview with Gunnar Andersson (Stockholm University) on family planning.


1. My partner and I are planning on having children, but both our jobs are very insecure and we think maybe we should wait until at least one of us is in a more stable situation. On the other hand, unemployment would give us more time to care for the baby. How do other people in Europe deal with this?

2. Are there differences between people with higher qualifications, who therefore also have more interesting job perspectives, and lower skilled workers?

3. Is the employment situation of women as equally important as the men’s, or do gender differences still exist?

4. Do people only worry when they plan to have their first child, or does unemployment also influence decisions about having the second and third child?

The Population Europe Inter-Face Series has been published with financial support from the Progress programme of the European Union in the framework of the project ”Supporting a Partnership for Enhancing Europe’s Capacity to Tackle Demographic and Societal Change”.