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Population Europe Inter-Faces: Sorana Toma

An interview with Sorana Toma (ENSAE–Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative) on migration and immigration.


1. I am planning to live in another country once I finish my studies and I feel it is very important to already know some people there. Is that generally the case when people decide to move to another country?

2. What can be the downsides of such “migrant networks” for the newcomer?

3. Is it easier to find a good job in your new home country if you already studied there?

4. Some countries are trying to actively attract migrants with certain qualifications that are rare in the local labour force. How important are such policies in someone’s migration decision?

The Population Europe Inter-Face Series has been published with financial support from the Progress programme of the European Union in the framework of the project ”Supporting a Partnership for Enhancing Europe’s Capacity to Tackle Demographic and Societal Change”.