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Evidence-based policy requires high-quality data. Fortunately, we are living through a data revolution, which is opening up new opportunities for better quality data to feed into the policymaking process. There is an increasingly diverse range of data to help inform policy. Data from censuses and population registers, as well as from surveys, biomarkers, digital trace data and genetic data can help us triangulate and deepen our understanding of populations. However, when there is such a vast amount of data available, there is a danger that we end up drowning in numbers.

Evidence-based policy requires high-quality data. Fortunately, we are living through a data revolution, which is opening up new opportunities for better quality data to feed into the policymaking process. There is an increasingly diverse range of data to help inform policy. Data from censuses and population registers, as well as from surveys, biomarkers, digital trace data and genetic data can help us triangulate and deepen our understanding of populations. However, when there is such a vast amount of data available, there is a danger that we end up drowning in numbers.

Event: POSTPONED: Social Cohesion 2020 @ Groningen
Mon Jul 6 - Fri Jul 17
** From the organisers: We will postpone this year’s Summer School to 2021 at the same place, most likely to July. All or most projects will be offered 2021 as planned for 2020. We plan to finish the review of applications by mid of April 2020, and notify applicants then.**    
Event: ISA RC28 Spring Meeting 2021 - Accumulation and Compensation of Inequalities
Wed Jun 2 - Fri Jun 4
The organisers aim to host the meeting using a hybrid model, where participation in both online and in person are possible. They will follow the instructions concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, and if needed, will organise the meeting online only.

The International Sociological Association’s next annual Spring Meeting will be held under the conference theme of 'Accumulation and compensation of inequalities' and paper or poster submissions that address this theme are especially encouraged.

Family and Children
Projections and Forecasts
Urban Depopulation and Loss of Human Capital: An Emerging Phenomenon in the European Union
Depopulation is no longer a phenomenon exclusive to rural areas. It has now expanded to small and medium-sized towns and cities in outflow regions. Young people in these municipalities, mainly those who are highly educated, are more likely to emigrate to the more thriving metropolitan areas. The departure of qualified young people is not compensated for, either numerically or based on the educational level of people who arrive from other places. This situation gives rise to negative migration balances and processes of educational decapitalisation.

<p>Depopulation has now expanded to small and medium-sized towns and cities in outflow regions, especially among highly educated young people. This situation gives rise to negative migration balances and processes of educational decapitalisation.</p>

López Gay
Ageing and Life Expectancy
Family and Children
Migration and Integration
Projections and Forecasts
Society and Solidarity
GLORI 2.0 (Global Longitudinal Research Initiative) tracks longitudinal research projects looking at child development trends and trajectories around the world.
Dr Tom Emery, Deputy Director of the GGP
The GGP is now ready for a new round of data collection, with an improved new questionnaire. Want to know what are the key innovations and what will be possible to know? In this webinar, Dr Tom Emery, Deputy Director of the GGP presented an overview of the new questionnaire, how it can be adapted to different languages and contexts and what it will measure in terms of Sustainable Development Goals.
Population Europe Webinar: The New Questionnaire of the Generations & Gender Survey: What are the innovations?
The New Questionnaire of the Generations & Gender Survey: What are the innovations? with Dr Tom Emery, Deputy Director of the GGP  

Want to know what are the key innovations and what will be possible to know? In this webinar, Dr Tom Emery, Deputy Director of the GGP presented an overview of the new questionnaire, how it can be adapted to different languages and contexts and what it will measure in terms of Sustainable Development Goals.

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