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New Horizon 2020 Project

Mapping inequalities through the life course

Doctoral Programme on Inequalities, Interventions and New Welfare State (DPInvest)

INVEST received a funding of over 3 million euros from the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for the project Mapping inequalities through the life course (MapIneq). The project studies the trends and drivers of intergenerational, educational, labour market and health inequalities over the life course during the last decades. Partners of the project include Population Europe, The University of Turku, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Tallinn University, University of Oxford, Universidad Nacional de Education Distancia and Stockholms Universitet.

Our role in the project is to bring research, communications and dissemination & policy dialogue together. As a project aiming at providing strong evidence and evidence-informed policy recommendations for the goal of (1) achieving a better understanding of the social, ethical, political and economic impacts of drivers of change and their interplay; and 2) boosting inclusive growth and reduce vulnerabilities through evidence-informed policies for protecting and enhancing employment, education, social fairness and tackling inequalities, including in response to the socio-economic challenges due to the covid-19 pandemic. To this end, we seek to create a transdisciplinary dialogue with policy stakeholders as a fundamental principle.