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Books and Reports: Active Ageing Index 2014 - Analytical Report
An analytical report prepared by Asghar Zaidi and David Stanton under the joint management project by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) was launched on 16 April 2015 at an International Seminar “Building an evidence base for active ageing policies: the Active Ageing Index and its potential”.
Failure to Launch
Key messages: Young individuals suffer disproportionally from the crisis, especially in terms of high unemployment and economic uncertainty, which affect their ability to start an independent life. A delayed transition to adulthood has negative effects on economic and demo- graphic outcomes later in life, including fertility levels. Youth exposed to the economic crisis need immediate support and relief in order to avoid becoming a “lost” generation.
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Les évolutions économiques récentes affectent-elles davantage les immigrés que la population autochtone ? Et, s’ils en souffrent davantage et plus directement, est-ce parce que ce sont des immigrés ou en raison de particularités socio-économiques qui rendent les immigrés différents des autochtones ? Adriano Paggiaro, Professeur assistant en statistiques économiques à l’Université de Padoue cherche à répondre à ces questions.
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¿Afecta la reciente evolución económica más a los inmigrantes que a los nativos? Y si están sufriendo más y de forma más inmediata ¿se debe al hecho de ser inmigrante o a las características específicas que los diferencian de los nativos? Adriano Paggiaro, de la Universidad de Padua, responde a estas preguntas empleando los datos longitudinales de la Italian Labour Force Survey para comparar a los trabajadores italianos con los trabajadores inmigrantes.  
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Haben die jüngsten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen einen stärkeren Einfluss auf Immigranten als auf Einheimische? Und falls Immigranten schneller und stärker darunter zu leiden haben, liegt das daran, dass sie Zuwanderer sind oder an besonderen Eigenschaften, durch die sie sich von Einheimischen unterscheiden? Adriano Paggiaro, Dozent für Wirtschaftsstatistik an der Universität Padua, suchte nach Antworten auf diese Fragen und verglich einheimische und zugewanderte Erwerbstätige anhand von Längsschnittdaten aus der italienischen Arbeitskräfteerhebung.  
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Do the recent economic developments affect immigrants more than natives? And if they are suffering more and immediately, is this related to being an immigrant or to specific characteristics that make immigrants different from natives? Adriano Paggiaro, Assistant Professor in Economic Statistics at the University of Padua, tried to find an answer to these questions. He compared native and immigrant workers by using longitudinal data from the Italian Labour Force Survey.   Last hired first fired
Experienced, but Too Expensive?
Working longer and retiring later is not only a matter of whether older individuals want to remain active in the labour market as long as possible, but also depends on the employersˆ capacity and willingness to employ and retain older workers. A recent study by Hendrik P. van Dalen, Kne Henkens, Wilma Henderikse, and Joop Schippers analyses whether European employers support later retirement.
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