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Population Europe Inter-Faces are a series of video interviews with leading demographic experts on Population Europe’s YouTube channel and other video material of general interest produced by the partner institutes. Users can gain first-hand insights about demographic developments, which may affect individual life courses and future policies.

World Population Data 2018: Population Age Structure
The world population is growing older. With continued declines in fertility and mortality, the global population's shift toward an older age structure, known as population aging, will accelerate. Older adults' (ages 65+) share of the global population increased from 5 percent in 1960 to 9 percent in 2018 and is projected to rise to 16 percent by 2050, with the segment ages 85 and older growing the fastest. Children's (ages 0 to 14) share is falling, from 37 percent in 1960, to 26 percent in 2018, with a projected decrease to 21 percent by 2050.