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Housing and Gender Inequalities in Mobility
Against the background of the increase in family dissolution and the corresponding rise of single-person and lone-parent households, Thomas et al. (2017) explore moves related to separation among families with children. Using British Household Panel Survey data, they show that significant gender differences exist, with fathers more likely to leave the family home than mothers, and mothers less likely to give up being close to family when starting a new cohabiting relationship.
The Two Sides of the Same Coin
Key messages: Europeans are increasingly mobile in terms of commuting and travelling, whereas rates of permanent change in residence across borders are scarce. Relocation rates within countries are stable or are even going down. Experiences of mobility are very heterogeneous and circumstances that lead people to be mobile change over the life course. Policies should support the development of “skills for mobility”, particularly at younger ages, but older people should also not be ignored.
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